how to find our what my etsy shop url

When starting an Etsy shop, there are so many things to think virtually. Information technology'southward unlikely you have given any thought to SEO, here are 10 Etsy shop tips yous tin can complete today.

Most new sellers struggle to get traffic into their shop – myself included. But every bit long as you know what yous can meliorate and put in a little actress effort than your nearest contest – you lot should see things develop over a brusk catamenia.

etsy shop ideas with these tips to help your shop success.

Let'southward get started on improving your store.

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How to improve your Etsy shop sales

Follow these very simple Etsy shop tips to become a sales boost.

get started guide to selling prints online

Grab the complimentary Ebook today

  • Learn how to get your art online and where to sell it
  • Tools to get started selling digital online prints today
  • Learn how which file sizes to sell and so you can go hands-off right away
  • Discovery why I go a 5-star review every time.

Update your store annunciation using your Etsy store keywords.

The showtime few lines of your shop declaration should comprise all the keywords you want your shop to be known for.

Then mine should contain the words, digital, Clipart, Papers. Until Feb 2017 I hadn't updated my shop front page announcement for over a year. Advising anybody and anyone who comes to the shop that I'm not at that place, non listening and not even live peradventure.

Your shop'due south announcement does count towards your SEO. There is some argument that yous should not update your annunciation too oftentimes as it tin take four weeks or more than for it to take effect for SEO.

Does your shop need better branding? – find out what to do to improve your branding.

Does your shop proclamation need updating?

If your current announcement is no longer relevant it needs updating right at present. Add some keywords to your first few lines which relate to the items you are selling. Go more aid on writing your Etsy announcement here.

You lot tin can also add a link to sign up for your email listing, promote your social media handles. Some shops showcase their best sellers here and sales dates or coupon codes. Put in the links to my other shops here also.

If you lot take more than one Etsy shop – you must declare this to your buyers so they tin easily see you have another store on Etsy.
You tin practice this in your shop announcement or your descriptions. Equally long as you lot declare information technology.

Fifty-fifty if y'all have more than than 1 shop selling the same items, i.due east. two shops selling invites, one digital and 1 printed and shipped. Etsy doesn't mind as long as you are non listing the same items in 2 shops.

Yous can list the same item twice in 1 shop though. I've never washed this, only it is ok to do then as long as they are not a complete echo of each other.

List new items in your Etsy shop regularly.

Adding new items for sale will help your Etsy shop stay agile in search and add another layer of SEO to your shop forepart. If y'all can, endeavor to add a new particular every week. You lot could try batching your new listings and only posting them for sale at regular intervals.

Add together your listings to Etsy with these uncomplicated steps

After the first initial two sales, I went off to drink coffee for eight months. I know I'grand not the only person out in that location guilty of this. But information technology tells Etsy that you are non willing to invest any time in your shop. Outcome = no traffic or sales.

Another useful Etsy shop tip is to use different titles for each listing.

Adding new items is excellent, but if the title of each 1 begins with the same words, you lot are competing with yourself.

Take each item and target one keyword for it. Don't brainstorm each title with Digital Paper, try to be more targeted, such equally Floral Digital paper, Spotty Digital paper.

Etsy aims to take only one item from each shop on individual search pages; therefore, yous want to be on page 1 for each target keyword, non vii pages for the aforementioned keyword.

For instance, I have three items of Blue Digital newspaper; I could have given each one a focused Keyword such as Heaven Blue Paper, Navy blueish paper, Stars blue digital paper.

Below is an epitome of what my shop currently shows as tags, notice how some have the same words at the beginning of the description, these need amending to something more targeted and private.

image from Etsy shop of items for sale

Use Etsy listing categories correctly.

When I offset started selling on Etsy, I placed all my items for sale in the shop category Paper. If I were listing them today, I'd list them as Craft Supplies and Tools, Scrapbooking supplies, Scrapbooking clip fine art or premade papers.

Brand sure that you list your items in the correct category in Etsy and there is no reason you can't apply 2 or three different ones and experiment.

When Etsy updated their categories, I and then put them on Canvas surfaces. Then that wasn't right either.

Keep an eye on your categories and brand sure you haven't missed an update.

Here you tin can view the current Categories on Etsy for you to see where you should be.

Sentry for spelling mistakes.

Ok – so no major issues with this. But let'southward say yous wanted to purchase a chocolate cake and someone can't spell chocolate, the buyer might think, well, if they can't even spell correctly, is their product good, is it even chocolate.?

There are folks out in that location who will not buy from your shop if you haven't taken the time to spell correctly.

Yous tin combat this by creating your listing details in google docs, which helps with spelling and standard errors. I got caught out quite a bit by the dreaded 'copy and paste' and copied my spelling errors to the next list.

I've at present invested in Grammarly, which helps enormously with the details which can be easily overlooked when you have listed your 15th item that day.

List each item every bit a new item.

When posting a new particular for sale, add it as a new item for auction. Ensure you don't overuse one keyword or have the same titles copied over and list your items on Etsy correctly the first time.

In the get-go, I copied and pasted my listing titles from one item to another because they were and then similar. Alarmingly I thought this was ok because the more listings I had which sounded alike, the more than Etsy would love me.

All I achieved by doing this was to take the same title for four listings and compete with myself over titles and tags. Some other point to make hither is that when you do list a new item, you can copy the old item in the listings page, then swap out the images and descriptions, helping with SEO equally well.

So if you lot have five listings in your shop (you should have more of grade) only 1 of those items receives x times more than views than any other listing – copy this item and change out the pictures and details. Always remember to care for it as a new listing. Don't cut corners by using the same keywords in the aforementioned place.

For each item, y'all do demand to have an idea of how you are going to list it.

I keep a sheet of paper for each of my listings which I can easily see when it was first listed and what keywords I was targeting, as well as what I named it in Etsy and gave it the number you can use within your listings so you lot can notice it once again. Its called the SKU. So I tin quickly see what number the listing relates to. I also go along a list of the keywords I want to target and how many times I take used them in the shop.

How to improve your Etsy shop SEO

Target SEO within each listing clarification

When writing your item descriptions, the first paragraph is the most vital for SEO. You lot are telling the buyer how this will benefit them or solve a problem. Put on your sales hat and add together in a few shop keywords and also the long keywords you wish to target for that detail, as this is potentially the only paragraph a buyer will read, so make it count.

I had taken all the communication I had read and managed to get over 100 listings ready to be posted for sale. I was on fire. Just in my haste, I forgot to read the paragraph well-nigh SEO, and it does matter if you re-create 1 list over to the next listing because Google looks at this repetitiveness. Not great.

Even though you have many listings of basically the same thing – do try to vary how you write your re-create in the descriptions of the items. Vary the diction a little and reconstruct the same first paragraph so you can do good from a bit of google juice.

Linking and interlinking

Also, I failed to link to other listings inside my item descriptions, and when I did, I put in the long link instead of a short link which makes information technology expect a bit well, – messy. Some people adopt to link to several items at the bottom of their list, this keeps the buyer hanging about in your store, and they are more likely to stumble upon a listing and then purchase it. Especially if yous have hinted at a saving.

Yous can link to other listings by recommending them i.e. click hither to find similar items yous might like or click hither to see the item in unlike colours.

You lot tin link to your categories as well this fashion.

If you are going to link to other relevant listings, please do and so using a link shortener such as bitly

Etsy has now made this easier to do, and it's not necessary to copy the whole URL merely the item number.

Employ your shop sections

The shop sections are those you name yourself and categorise your listings for the heir-apparent to detect them hands. These form part of your shops SEO and can be institute with the search term.

I had i called Digital (doh) and one called clip art.

Lots of thought went into that.

Some shops place their items into categories based on search terms, some do it via colours, or even what the items are used for. Trial and error and you probably need to spend fourth dimension figuring this out in your shop.

Make your Etsy shop personal with these tips

Fill out your About Page correctly.

Your about folio should give the buyer a brief overview of who you are and what y'all do. Not that you accept ten cats and came in tardily every Fri. It should tell the heir-apparent in a professional style why you are here and include some helpful info on how yous started and what your mission statement is.

Include keywords in the championship of your about page as well.

Exercise not copy

Copying someones hard piece of work is not only unfair, but it's also bad for SEO. Y'all need to build your SEO bricks and brand your shop better than the next, even if you are selling very similar items.

I didn't re-create anyone's listings, simply I did and still do have listings which are more than a nod to someone else'south listing either in description or tags. It wasn't done deliberately, but at that place are only a few ways to show iii feathers together.

I've never had anyone tell me off or arroyo me, so I don't think they closely resemble anyone. Please exist mindful when doing your inquiry on Etsy and be unique. Of course, if you apply the search function to await for tags, it's likely you will take the aforementioned tags as someone selling the aforementioned or similar item.

Which leads me to the adjacent point.

Don't keep selling the same affair.

Moving along with the times and trends will gradually build your store from the basis up. There will exist items with no longer are on trend or sell, simply don't get hung upward on the same item over and over.

I had some items which were mainly the same and believe me, afterwards spending days making them, just ane ever sold with whatsoever smashing regularity. It is much meliorate to build upon your best sellers rather than thinking everyone wants that strange shade of pink and must accept it 38 times more.

If you have a particular particular which does well, and so build on it. The particular may have done well because it's genuinely what buyers want right now and it's your job to give them more of the same.

Likewise if you make 38 items all the same, by the time you come to listing them, the trend will accept passed anyway.

Avoid using non-words

Using trend words in your item descriptions may be acceptable for a short while, merely try to avoid them if possible as they don't assistance subsequently on.

I've only ever done this once, and information technology sounds terrible. If your local language uses words that your 13 years old thinks is cool, that's fine – but please do not use them in your shop. Considering what is trendy today volition exist gone tomorrow and who wants to better 300 listings with a U in the correct place.

Aid with the clarification of your item.

Your particular championship should not appear in your description.

The purpose of your title is to help the buyer sympathize what they are buying in a brief sentence. The description should persuade the buyer to purchase it by going into more detail nearly the detail.

I thought it was ok to copy my detail title directly into the starting time three lines of my description. I'd read somewhere that it was practiced for SEO to repeat the same words in my description as those in my championship.

Ok so this is half true, you should have your keywords somewhere in your description, merely mayhap only have three keywords in your description nicely sprinkled in a natural way throughout a few lines at the top, not threescore times.

Equally of today I probably have 400 listings which are guilty of this. I accept been in amended a few, simply gosh this is hard work. Some mistakes cost you more time in the time to come. Fifty-fifty though SEO is changing all the time on Etsy – you tin avoid catastrophic errors in the first instance.

Link to other items in your shop

Within your description, link to other relevant items in your store. Ofttimes I leave this until the last paragraph, but the heir-apparent has to read all the style down to come across these, so maybe midway would be better.

It volition keep your buyer in your store for longer, and they will meet more of your beautiful items – thus leading to more sales hopefully.

get started guide to selling prints online

Catch the gratuitous Ebook today

  • Learn how to become your art online and where to sell it
  • Tools to get started selling digital online prints today
  • Learn how which file sizes to sell then y'all can go hands-off right abroad
  • Discovery why I go a 5-star review every time.

Utilise all ten pictures.

Past filling in all 10 picture images for each listing, y'all are giving the buyer the best visual idea before they even get on to read your description. Ensure your detail looks it's best here.

Why I thought information technology was ok to use one photograph of my particular is beyond my explanation. Simply there yous go. Use all of your movie slots. If you are struggling to for ideas, you can use them to practice any of the following instead

What else tin I apply in my Preview pictures?

  • Promotion code
  • Shut-up of the same picture
  • Sign upwardly for emails advert
  • Similar listing side by side – e.g., four images of matching items
  • Photo of how you made it
  • Pinnable image for Pinterest
  • Links to social media
  • Further data nigh the product in use
  • Photograph from a previous client using the item – please get permission from the heir-apparent get-go.
  • Slap-up review of the item

If this can seem like difficult work, try batching. Spend a week ensuring your photos are the best they can be.

You can read more helpful articles on Etsy marketing

How to use your Etsy preview

Need assistance with email marketing – moving to Flodesk

React to the Etsy market – I carried on making chevrons.

Ok, and so yep, there was a trend where chevrons appeared everywhere, and I wanted to be part of that as well. I did make chevrons, but while I was perfecting my production the market moved on to minimalistic and blackness and white an and then I kept wondering why my chevrons were non selling.

Like a chicken with my head down on the computer, whilst everyone else in the function had moved onto the side by side new affair, and I was left backside.

We don't similar chevrons considering of this. They are a scrap annoying at present.

Make the most of each listing.

Listing your items for sale on Etsy is a great way to sell a production. Merely each i is a store window to your product, so ensure you accept washed everything on each listing to maximise it's effectiveness to the buyer.

Apply all the pictures, and optimise your descriptions to say precisely what the particular is about and how it will improve their lives, not yours.

Employ Marmalead.

This tool wasn't around when I started. But information technology has helped me immensely since I accept started using it. Earlier this, I simply stalked lots of shops and tried to emulate what they were doing.

Marmalead will help y'all with tags, giving you plenty of alternative ideas. Thinking like a buyer, and having a long listing of suitable tags to become into your items, well the battle is halfway won. Cheque out Marmalead today

Don't put your store on vacation.

Big fat huge no-no.

No ane wants to lose potential sales by actually leaving their shop unattended, so conveniently yous tin can put your shop in holiday mode.

However, it affects your SEO score, and a not-active shop is not great. Etsy doesn't know y'all will merely exist away for three nights visiting your Granny or accept charted a gunkhole to go on a production finding tour in Hawaii.

They drib your shops SEO, and it will take a while or maybe longer to get back up to speed.

Alternatively, extend your delivery times, or put a find in the shop, and message to buyers. This fashion you lot oasis't thrown off your SEO, and everyone knows you lot are coming back to attend them.

So – at that place y'all have it. Only a few ways which you can easily better your Etsy shop today. Why not make a notation to effort and put 1 or 2 on your todolist.

Let me know whatsoever other ways you have improved your shop beneath.

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10 simple ways to improve your etsy shop today
Simple ways to meliorate your Etsy shop

What is Flodesk and why it's irresolute email marketing

Why y'all should use Pinterest to promote your Store

Where to begin collecting Emails from your Etsy shop

Thank you for reading

10 quick tips to improve your Etsy shop


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