2 Allbeef Patties Special Sauce Lettuce Cheese Pickles Onions on a Sesame Seed Bun

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(The Consumerist) Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Also, a thumbtack (consumerist.com) divider line


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4573 clicks; posted to Main » on 30 Jan 2008 at 4:15 PM (14 years ago)   | Favorite |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, tired joke on a sesame seed bun.

You sort of quoted the McDoanld's commercial but then you added in that last part.

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun

That's why I never trusted those burgers

don't you know? something sharp always makes food taste better.

makes you chew carefully.

Also, a thumbtack

I lol'd.

I laughed at the headline. Those that didn't are bad people who deserve to suffer.

There had better not be special sause on your snack wrap. Kind of like when you go to the dentist and you take off your pants...

/you're doing it wrong

Rusty McSukit: There had better not be special sause on your snack wrap. Kind of like when you go to the dentist and you take off your pants...

/you're doing it wrong

I was told there would be an oral examination.

Rusty McSukit: There had better not be special sause on your snack wrap. Kind of like when you go to the dentist and you take off your pants...

/you're doing it wrong

How else are they going to check your sugar levels?


Rusty McSukit: There had better not be special sauce on your snack wrap. Kind of like when you go to the dentist and you take off your pants...

/you're doing it wrong


/I believe now you're the one doing it wrong...

I stole a muffin from McD's and there was an elasic band in it.

/best carma ever

//bonus, I was working there and had made the muffins that morning. haha

McDonalds snack wraps. Now with more iron.

"Also a thumbtack"

Made Dr. Pepper come out my nose a little.

Damn...and the manager dumped the body under an old tree.

We had a cheezburgr eating competition at work today. I managed 7, winner did 10. I tapped out when I ran across one that tasted like someone dumped a half shaker of salt + pepper on it. almost booted when I tasted it.

Pair-o-Dice: Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun

That's why I never trusted those burgers

Would you like some Jack Sauce on that?

How long before they discover that she put it there herself?


Lolz I work at work at McDonalds,so I am really getting a kick...

/actually do
//just got off

Is that the song from the 80's?

Does anyone remember the free plastic like record with that jingle on it that you would get for free so you could play and sing along - or try- to it?

Can't remember how to get it for free though. Either buy a bigmac or $5 worth of food I have no idea but I remember that damn record

oh please someone remember and assure me I'm not insane

Derek313: Lolz I work at work at McDonalds,so I am really getting a kick...

/actually do
//just got off

For god sake man hopefully not on anyones food

[image from content.answers.com too old to be available]

I thought it was funny. A non-sequitr that landed with me.

dc-kid: Is that the song from the 80's?

Does anyone remember the free plastic like record with that jingle on it that you would get for free so you could play and sing along - or try- to it?

I remember that, actually. I think there was a contest attached to it, too. Winning records played something else, if I'm thinking of the same promo.

/You're still insane

Barakku: Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, tired joke on a sesame seed bun.

dude, I haven't heard that in years! where are you, 1986 and posting in the future?

Rusty McSukit: There had better not be special sause on your snack wrap.

Isn't that the reason Clinton got in trouble, 'cause of that damn blue dress?

dc-kid: Is that the song from the 80's?

Does anyone remember the free plastic like record with that jingle on it that you would get for free so you could play and sing along - or try- to it?

Can't remember how to get it for free though. Either buy a bigmac or $5 worth of food I have no idea but I remember that damn record

oh please someone remember and assure me I'm not insane

If we're thinking of the same thing, the "album" came in the Sunday newspaper. It was very thin and cheap and came with instructions on how to put quarters on the needle of the turntable so it wouldn't skip. And, it wasn't this song. It was the much faster one that listed everything on the menu. The gimmick was, if the album contained the song in it's entirety, you won a million bucks.

Song (new window)

Lamune_Baba: dc-kid: Is that the song from the 80's?

Does anyone remember the free plastic like record with that jingle on it that you would get for free so you could play and sing along - or try- to it?

I remember that, actually. I think there was a contest attached to it, too. Winning records played something else, if I'm thinking of the same promo.

/You're still insane

thank you thank you thank you

/I'm only insane in the good way though







"Just what is a sesame?!?!?!"


If we're thinking of the same thing, the "album" came in the Sunday newspaper. It was very thin and cheap and came with instructions on how to put quarters on the needle of the turntable so it wouldn't skip. And, it wasn't this song. It was the much faster one that listed everything on the menu. The gimmick was, if the album contained the song in it's entirety, you won a million bucks.

Song (new window)

THATS IT THATS IT OMGZ THATS IT!11!!!1 And I remeber having to put a penny, nickle what ever on yout turntable to kind of throw the recond into the right balance.

Thanks Clam. Ever come to DC and the first one is on me

FeBolas: I laughed at the headline. Those that didn't are bad people who deserve to suffer.

"They're just bad people."

[image from content.answers.com too old to be available]

havesometea: "Just what is a sesame?!?!?!"

It's a street. It's a way to open...shiat.

I had five Big Macs and a large fry for lunch today.

My chest is feeling tight right about now. I hope my heart forgives me.

Yesterday I had four Whoppers for lunch.

havesometea: "Just what is a sesame?!?!?!"

It's a street... it's a way to open shiat...

/hedberg (rip)

Good headline, but I don't read the consumerist. It's one of the worst manifestations of internet mob mentality I've ever been victim to witness.

sandiegohistory.org View Full Size

Big Mac Attack!

/From the same era as the jingle.


Snack wraps come with a free tongue piercing?

jsmilky: I had five Big Macs and a large fry for lunch today.

My chest is feeling tight right about now. I hope my heart forgives me.

Yesterday I had four Whoppers for lunch.

you're gonna pay for a whole new wing on the 'ol hospital one day, aren't you?

[image from cache.consumerist.com too old to be available]

No comments on the pic? Mother of God, that's scary!

/funny headline

hurrelm: I stole a muffin from McD's and there was an elasic band in it.

/best carma ever

//bonus, I was working there and had made the muffins that morning. haha

A challenger appears! Your pastry-fu is weak!

/Is a morning baker.
//A real morning baker.
///Got tired of tech support.
////Will grant your superiority in the McGriddle catagory, but by my Muffins, I rule.
//No extra slashies needed, if you put butter on my muffins you're a philistine.

TheGreyPiper: Big Mac Attack!

/From the same era as the jingle.

They still make those Shamrock Shakes?

/Hasn't been to McDeath in ages.

When I worked at a radio station I did that jungle on the air only with a hairlip effect. I followed with "MacDonalds, an equal opportunity employer" with the same hairlip.

Station manager came down on me pretty hard for that.

Once upon a time there was a bus driver in training. On his first day, he was making the rounds on the short-bus. Covering the sides of the bus were paintings of Big Bird, Bert & Ernie, & Oscar the Grouch. The first stop was for two incredibly overweight twin girls, both (incredibly) named Patty. The second stop was for a spoiled looking little autistic boy named Ross. He seemed to think that he was really something and sat at the front of the bus. The third stop was for a disturbing young boy named Larry Reese. He moved to the back of the bus and took off his shoes, and proceeded to scratch at his callouses diligently.
When the day was over, the new bus driver headed home to his wife. At dinner she asked him how work went. "Well it was quite a day", he said. "On my first day I picked up two all beef Patties, special Ross, & Larry Reese; picking his bunions on a Sesame Street bus."

God, I'm funny.

bugmn99: Big Tac?

My co-workers now think I'm insane.

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Source: https://www.fark.com/comments/3364689/Two-all-beef-patties-special-sauce-lettuce-cheese-pickles-onions-on-a-sesame-seed-bun-Also-a-thumbtack

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